I was 21 and working at a retail office supply store. The simple thought of “Hey, it might be fun to buy a digital camera” set a course that has shaped my photographic journey in ways I could never have imagined.
My first few thousand photos were shot with prized, but low grade equipment. This forced me to learn countless lessons in the quest to create strong images. Through exploring, experimenting and self-critique I slowly started to understand what it meant to be a photographer.
In 2009, I began using more professional equipment which allowed me to break through into a new atmosphere of possibilities. Every press of the shutter since has been a whirlwind of learning, editing, sharing and pushing my skills at every opportunity.
I seek out dramatic angles and depth. Long roads or hallways draw me in by their mystery. Bodies of water seduce me with their vastness and hope. Architecture rises above, taunting me to fill a frame with intentionally placed lines and textures. Cities provide chances around every corner. All of these elements, and their interactions with each other, inspire me to create and share my view of this world.
Everyone has bills to pay and Andy Levine serves as a freelance photographer and video producer in the New England area. Levine uses his 20+ years of creating media to work with businesses to create dynamic media content
Another passion Andy Levine has spent most of his life devoted to is writing and publishing poetry. Since 2002, Levine has self-released 6 collection of poems.